

New Phnom Penh Airport Investment Profit plan


Introduction to Cambodia


Cambodian Economic Environment


Cambodian Tax Law and Financial System


Investment environment understanding Phnom Penh



Cambodia's reform and opening up copy

Experience in China and Taiwan


Cambodia VS Taiwan Comparison


Investment in Cambodia, Celebrity Testimony


The first choice for overseas investment and wealth management


經濟環境 Economic environment







柬埔寨係東南亞經濟政策最開放國家之一,逐步走向市場經濟體制。 2013年GDP總值171.91億美元,成長7.6%。農業成長4.2%、工業成長9.3%及服務業成長8.8%。2013年全年貿易總額159億美元,成長18%,其中出口69億美元,成長26%,主要出口產品:成衣、鞋類、大米、橡膠、胡椒和其他產品;進口90億美元,成長14%,主要進口產品:燃油、建築材料、汽車及其他產品等,貿易逆差:21億美元。國際貨幣基金(IMF)預測:2014年經濟成長率可達7.2%,是全球10年來經濟成長最快速國家之一。IMF和世銀對柬政府債務管理能力等級從中級風險調降至低風險,顯示國際金融機構對政府財務管理能力給予正面肯定。為促進外商投資,提供營所稅6~9年減免及進口原物料免關稅等優惠,享有美、加、日、澳、歐盟等31國優惠關稅,國際廠商已將柬埔寨列為「世界工廠」優選國家之一。




















鼓勵外商投資農業、食品加工及旅遊業等產業。特別是柬埔寨旅遊業擁有巨大潛力及聞名文化遺產,包括著名的吳哥窟(Angkor Complex),國公省、西哈努克省、貢布省與白馬省等4省共具擁有440公里海岸線,已入圍世界最美海灘俱樂部,成為發展旅遊業契機。擁有豐富的勞工資源,每年可提供勞工市場約30萬個新勞工。土地及勞工資源可滿足發展農業、自然資源開採(森林、採礦、石油及煤氣)等需求。農業是政府鼓勵外資產業,盛產稻米之柬國,更是一項有利消息。中國大陸亦逐漸赴柬國投資設立碾米廠。柬國政府已制定2016年目標稻米出口邁向超越100萬公噸。以低度開發國家身分加入WTO國家(2003年),投資設廠輸往WTO會員國進口關稅適用優惠關稅,加上美、加、日、澳、歐盟等31國GSP優惠關稅及免配額優惠,在柬國投資設廠者,增加產品價格競爭力。



1.農作物(稻米) 2.橡膠,2005年發現石油和天然氣。












美、加、日、澳、歐盟等31國優惠關稅(GSP )優惠,紡織成衣產業是吸引外資主流,工業發展最大產業,佔出口70%左右,柬國與世界其他國家雙邊貿易產生貿易逆差,主要以成衣出口彌補。主要出口國:美國、歐盟、加拿大及日本。製鞋業為柬國近5年來成長最快速產業。紡織及製鞋占貿易出口總值80%以上。






3.開發特別經濟區,成立特別投資促進區Special Promotion ZoneSPZ:目前規劃27個特別經濟區,其中3個開始運作:1.「金邊特別經濟區」(距金邊市約18公里,華人符姓家族與日資合作經營)2.台商美德向邦公司開發經營「曼哈頓經濟特區」(越南西寧省與柬國磅針省邊境)3.中國紅豆集團開發「西哈努克港經濟特區」(金邊西南方200公里)。


1999年成為東協第十個會員國,目前有6個ASEAN創始會員國相互間幾乎所有貨物往來零關稅,另柬埔寨、寮國、緬甸與越南則將去除約98.46%貨品關稅待遇。2012 年二度擔任東協高峰會議主席國,會後通過有關「同一共同體、同一命運」的《金邊宣言》,決定共同推動「區域全面經濟夥伴關係」(RCEP )的結盟工作。


































2.美德向邦投資開發曼哈頓經濟特區,距越南6公里,佔地300公頃。亦有數位投資者開發邊境土地,吸引在越南投資台灣自行車、製鞋廠進駐投資。3.柬國除製衣工業及製鞋業外,幾乎沒有其他工業,所有民生用品均仰賴進口,對外資投資產業幾乎完全沒有限制,任何產業均可投資,以勞力密集產業最佳,可運用充沛人力資源,產品輸往東協國家,美、加、日、澳、歐盟等31國給予低度開發國家(LDC )待遇,享有優惠關稅,具有價格競爭優勢。





    (一)土地所有權,憲法規定只限柬國人民才能擁有;一般公司只有在51%的股權屬柬資情況下,才可申請購買土地。申請投資批准後的土地必須在3個月內進行開發。亦可利用租賃方式租用土地,租期最長90年,期滿再申請更新租約,土地成本較鄰近國家相對便宜。2010年通過外國人取得房地產法案。允許外國人購買除位於平面樓層(ground floor)的房產單位,且無外資比例限制。可合法投資購買二樓(含)以上公寓。即不能持有土地,但可擁有公寓所有權。 (二)目前台商取得土地方式,有採投資入籍,或以51%股權屬柬資,或單純租用,更有以柬國人頭購置土地,惟即使入籍取得土地,亦有因柬國人偽造假債權,移轉其所有權等情形發生。





只有金邊及主要城市有固定自來水使用,2000年僅有29%鄉村居民使用自來水,且水質未經過衛生處理,目前工商業每月用水100m3 以下每1 m3 約0.24美元,用水200m3 以上每1 m3 約0.34美元。




1.桌上型電話公司3家(Camintel、Camsin及M.P.T.C ),行動電話服務4家(Camintel、Mobitel、Smart Communication ),5家ISP供應商使用桌上型電話用戶1萬5000戶,使用行動電話60萬戶,上網約1萬戶。

2.撥打市內電話每分鐘0.08美元,國際電話撥打亞洲每分鐘0.72-0.90美元。上網有撥接上網及ADSL上網2種,ADSL 64K/250MGB傳輸每月約65美元。










Economic environment

    {1}. Economic overview
    1. Economic situation

Cambodia is one of the most open economic policies in Southeast Asia, and has gradually moved towards a market economy system. The total value of GDP in 2013 was 17.191 billion US dollars, an increase of 7.6 %. Agricultural growth is 4.2 %, industrial growth is 9.3 %, and the service industry has grown 8.8 %. In 2013, the total trade volume of the whole year was 15.9 billion US dollars, an increase of 18 %, of which 6.9 billion US dollars were exported, an increase of 26 %. The main export products: garment, shoes, rice, rubber, pepper and other products; The main import products: fuel, building materials, automobiles and other products, trade deficit: $ 2.1 billion. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast: In 2014, the economic growth rate can reach 7.2 %, which is one of the fastest economic growth countries in the world in the world. IMF and World Bank have reduced the level of debt management capabilities from Cambodia from intermediate risks to low risks, showing that international financial institutions have positive affirmation of government financial management capabilities. In order to promote foreign investment, it provides discounts such as 6-9 years and exemption from the camps and exemptions of imported raw materials. Preferably one of the countries.

2. Foreign investment









Largest investment country


South Korea






The end of 1997, the political and social development became stable. However, due to the years of war, the administrative system was still not sound, and the infrastructure was backward. With the assistance of neighboring Asian countries and international financial organizations, the investment environment improved. Opening the investment industry, in addition to pesticides, such as pesticides, there is a risk of hazarding human health chemicals to prohibit outsiders from investing. Special industries such as tobacco manufacturing, film production, publishing, and media operations are limited, and the remaining industries are open for 100 % of foreign investment.

3. Cambodia Investment in niche

Encourage foreign companies to invest in agriculture, food processing and tourism. In particular, Cambodia's tourism industry has huge potential and well -known cultural heritage, including the famous Angkor Complex. It has been shortlisted for the most beautiful beach club in the world and has become an opportunity for the development of tourism. With rich labor resources, about 300,000 new workers can be provided each year. Land and labor resources can meet the needs of the development of agriculture and natural resources (forests, mining, oil and gas). Agriculture is a Cambodian country that encourages foreign -funded industries and is rich in rice. It is also a good news. Mainland China has also gradually went to Cambodia to invest and set up rice milling plants. The Cambodian government has formulated a target rice export in 2016 to exceed 1 million metric tons. Join the WTO country (2003) as a low -degree development country, and invest in a factories to go to the WTO member country to import tariffs on import tariffs. In addition Investment in Cambodia will increase product price competitiveness.

{2}. Natural Resources

1. Crop (rice) 2. Rubber, found oil and natural gas in 2005.

{3}. Industry overview

GDP proportion in order: 1. Service industry (41.8 %) 2. Agriculture (34.4 %) 3. Manufacturing (23.8 %). The service industry is led by tourism. The manufacturing industry is mainly the clothing industry and shoe making industry.

1. Service industry

(1) Tourism service industry

Cambodia has a world -renowned cultural heritage Angkor Wat, and a large number of tourist crowds are poured into a large number of tourist crowds every year. Especially after the South Asian tsunami in 2005, many European and American tourists turned to Angkor Wat in inland regions. The seaside area is shortlisted in the world's most beautiful beach club, becoming a good opportunity for Cambodia to develop tourism. The top 5 foreign tourists: Vietnam, Mainland China, South Korea and Laos. In order to promote the development of the tourism industry, all ASEAN member states are planned in 2014. The development of tourism will continue to promote the development of related industries such as finance, transportation, hotels, catering and service industry, and become an important pillar and source of income in the future of the Cambodian country.

(2) Financial service industry

In 2012, the Stock Exchange opened. The implementation of open free market economy policies, no foreign exchange control measures, allowing residents to freely hold foreign exchange. After authorized banks to operate foreign exchange business, registered enterprises of commercial authorities can open foreign exchange accounts. There are more than 30 commercial banks, 7 professional banks, 3 representative offices of foreign banks, and 25 small financial institutions. The financial service industry, 7 banks in my country settled in. The First Bank established the Phnom Penh Branch in 1998, the Zhaofeng Bank in Phnom Penh Branch was established in 2011, and the cooperation vault set up the first branch in Phnom Penh. Yushan Bank acquired 70 % of the Cambodian United Commercial Bank. Bank of China acquired 70 % of the shares of the Bank of Cambodia in 2012, and then acquired the remaining 30 % of the shares to master all equity. Taiwan Enterprise Bank entered the same year.

2. Agriculture

Due to the uncertain rainfall, no high -yield rice species, no efficiency and lack of fertilizer, water conservancy is not very developed. The rice is only once annually, which is very different from Vietnam's Mekong Delta annually. my country has extremely high -tech in rice planting, gardening, and water conservancy. It can be studied in Cambodia to invest in the establishment of rice milling plants to supply its domestic needs and the possibility of processing export.

3. Textile clothing and shoe making industry

The US, Canada, Japan, Australia, the European Union and other 31 countries such as preferential tariffs (GSP) discounts. The textile clothing industry is attracting the mainstream of foreign capital. Mainly make up for the export of garments. Main exporters: the United States, the European Union, Canada and Japan. The shoe making industry is the fastest industry in Cambodia in the past five years. Textiles and shoes accounted for more than 80 % of the total value of trade exports.

{4}. Economic outlook

(1) Diversified Cambodia's economic growth momentum and promote sustainable economic growth.

1. Strengthen the development of small and medium -sized enterprises: Economic development is too concentrated into the clothing industry and tourism industry. Due to the cancellation of spinning quotas and tourism in the WTO, the Cambodian authorities recognize that economic development is too concentrated in specific industries, and it will promote SMEs to promote SMEs Development is a key project of future economic development.

2. Strengthen the construction of infrastructure construction: poor infrastructure equipment causes great trouble for manufacturers' investment. Among them, the lack of power and expensive power, which seriously affects the willingness to invest in manufacturers. The construction of power facilities is listed as an important goal of vibrating and economic development. In 2013, there were 1.12 million electricity users, 2.26 million families across the country, and nearly 50 % of the power use, but the price gap was large. International assistance such as the maximum assistance of Japan's investment: highway bridge, tap water, power infrastructure equipment, sewer and other projects. China: bridge, road, public engineering, etc.

3. Develop a special economic zone and set up a special investment promotion zone (SPZ): Currently planning 27 special economic zones, 3 of which start to operate: 1. "Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone" (about 18 kilometers from Phnom Penh City, The Chinese Family Family and Japanese -owned cooperation) 2. Taiwanese businessmen, Mandarin, to develop and operate "Manhattan Special Economic Zone" (Border Border between Xining and Cambodia in Xining Province, Vietnam) 3. China Red Bean Group developed the "Sihanouk Port Economic "SAR" (200 kilometers southwest of Phnom Penh).

(2) Actively integrate into the ASEAN organization and participate in various cooperation plans.

In 1999, it became the tenth member country of ASEAN. At present, there are 6 ASEAN founding member countries that have almost all cargo and zero tariffs. In addition, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam will remove about 98.46 % of tariffs. In 2012, he served as the chairman of the ASEAN Summit Conference in 2012. After the meeting, he decided to jointly promote the alliance of the "Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership" (RCEP) through the "Declaration of the same common, the same destiny".

(3) Promote the five -year national strategy development plan

Strengthen the development of agricultural fields, especially rice, to assist farmers from poverty alleviation, revoke the economic franchise contracts that have not developed on the time limit; strengthen national security and political stability, improve administrative management, and strengthen international cooperation.

It is expected that the economic growth rate in the next five years will maintain an average of 6-7 %. In the first five years of the financial crisis in 2008, the average annual growth rate is 10 %. Therefore, the economic growth rate of 6 % to 7 % should be conservative estimates. The internal economy has maintained slowly, especially in the face of the shortage of global rice and raw materials, and the production of rice and rubber is even more profitable. In 2016, the total exports of rice were exported to more than 1 million metric tons.

{5}. Market environment analysis and overview

After more than 20 years of civil war, there was no industry at all. About 70 state -owned enterprises were almost all leased by private business leasing internally and foreign. There are more than 30,000 handicrafts companies, mainly engaged in the production of daily small commodities. According to the employment population: 1. Manufacturing 2. Building 3. Mining 4. Power supply 5. Water supply, etc. Minsheng supplies are imported, mainly imported from Thailand, Vietnam and China. Building materials such as steel bars, tiles and paint, people's livelihood consumer goods, and industrial machinery such as clothing textiles, food processing, agricultural and fishery products processing are in line with market needs, and China can actively invest in projects in my country.

The administrative system is not sound, the implementation of the laws is different, the infrastructure is backward, the various materials are difficult, and the outsiders are engaged in economic and trade activities. Expansion strategy: First make market research, seek opportunities for cooperation or trade by participating in commercial exhibitions or trade negotiation opportunities. After the best way of business, after a market survey, if there is market potential, companies can be established locally or seek agents.

Foreign business situation and investment opportunities

Foreign businessmen









Largest investment country


South Korea






The end of 1997, the political and social development became stable. However, the administrative system was still not sound, and the infrastructure was backward. With the assistance of neighboring Asian countries and international financial organizations, the investment environment gradually improved.

2. Taiwanese businessman

1. In 1989, the government's southbound policy entered. There were more than 200 SMEs. They mainly invested: textile clothing, shoe making, real estate and land development, agriculture, and tourism. There are 88 major textile clothing industry, accounting for 25%of the Cambodian national clothing industry. Well -known Taiwanese businessmen such as Taiwan fertilizer, China Rental, South Textiles, Jianxing, Ruxing, Yuqi, Fengtai, Yingrui, Donglongxing Xing Waiting for the listed cabinet company, it accounts for 80 ~ 85%of the export of the clothing industry. 90 % of the Taiwanese businessmen in the shoe maker. Kunzhou, a world -renowned sports brand Adidas foundry, is the largest ready -made factories and second listed companies in Cambodia. Xue Changxing, the world's first submersible clothing factory, is located in the SARS mask protective clothing manufacturer, virtue, and the first Manhattan Economic Zone developed by the Cambodian State.

2. In the financial industry, there are 7 Taiwan -funded banks (one silver, Zhaofeng, cooperative vault, Yushan Bank, Cathay Pacific, Shanghai Commercial Bank, and Taiwan -Enterprise Yinxian Micro Financial Institution). General bank lending interest rates are about 10%, such as Yushan Bank's US dollar fixed deposit rate of 4.98%, far better than Taiwan.

※ Xiao Dingxun: The US dollar remittance must be charged on both sides of the remittance. (Right) The Sangyuan Branch of the First Bank is an example.: It is transferred to Cambodia's more than $ 20,000 or more. The fee for more than 10,000 US dollars is 1.5).

3. The Taiwan Business Association includes the Taiwan Chamber of Commerce and Taiwan Business Clothing Textile Association. There are 114 manufacturers and 108 individual members, with a total of 222, including clothes, shoes, tourism, real estate, agricultural processing, medical services, etc.

3. Investment opportunities

1. The three state -owned enterprises of Cambodia Telecom Corporation, the Phnom Penh Water Bureau and Sihanouk Port have been approved, and many private and state -owned enterprises are applying for listing. In 2005, the headquarters in the Zhonghe Taiwanese business company Dedixiangbang, developing the first Manhattan Special Economic Zone in Cambodia, is expected to be listed on the Cambodian State.

2. Virtue invested in the development of the Manhattan Special Economic Zone, 6 kilometers from Vietnam, covering an area of 300 hectares. Several investors have developed border land, attracting investment in Taiwan's bicycle and shoe manufacturers in Vietnam. 3. Except for the clothing industry and shoe making industry, there are almost no other industries. All people's livelihood supplies rely on imports. There is almost no restriction on the foreign investment industry. Throughout the human resources, the products are transferred to the ASEAN countries. The 31 countries such as the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the European Union have given low -level development countries (LDC) treatment, enjoy preferential tariffs, and have the advantage of price competition.


Infrastructure and cost
1. Land

(1) Land ownership, the constitution stipulates that only the Cambodian people can own it. Generally, the company can apply for the purchase of land only under the circumstances of 51%of the equity. The land after application for investment must be developed within 3 months. You can also use the leasing method to rent land. The rental period is 90 years old. At the expiration of the period, the lease is updated. The cost of land is relatively cheaper than the neighboring countries. In 2010, he obtained the real estate bill through foreigners. Foreigners are allowed to buy real estate units except the GROUND FLOOR, and there is no foreign capital limit. You can invest in an apartment above the second floor (inclusive). That is, you cannot hold land, but you can have an apartment ownership.
(2) At present, Taiwanese businessmen have obtained the land method, and they have invested citizenship, or 51%of the equity belong to Cambodian, or simply rent, and also buy land with the heads of Cambodians. Credit rights, transferred their ownership, etc., occurred.
2. Energy

(1) Electricity

In 1996, a state -owned power company was established, and the electricity was quite expensive, and the production electricity consumption was $ 0.38 per degree.

(2) Hydropower

Only Phnom Penh and major cities are used in fixed tap water. In 2000, only 29 % of rural residents use tap water, and the water quality has not been treated with hygiene. At present, it is about $ 0.24 per m3 below 100m3 per month. Dollar.

(3) gasoline

Petroleum is contained in Sihanouk Province. It is currently cooperating with international oil companies such as TOTAL. At present, the high -end gasoline per liter is about $ 1.34, the ordinary gasoline is about $ 1.29, and the diesel is about $ 1.24.

3. Communication

1. 3 table -type telephone companies (CAMINTEL, CAMSIN and M.P.T.C), 4 mobile phone services (Camintel, Mobitel, Smart Communication), 5 ISP suppliers use 15,000 upper desktop phone users to use mobile phone calls to use mobile phones. 600,000 households, about 10,000 online.

2. Dial the city's phone to $ 0.08 per minute, and the international phone calls Asia 0.72-0.90 US dollars per minute. There are two types of access to the Internet and ADSL Internet access. The ADSL 64K/250mgb transmission is about $ 65 per month.

4. Transportation

(1) Road construction

The total length of the highway is 15,000 kilometers. Main National Highway 1 ~ 9: No. 1 to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1st, 167 kilometers, No. 4 from Phnom Penh to Sihanouk Port, with a total length of 226 kilometers. Kill, No. 6 from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, 314 kilometers in length.

(2) Air transportation

Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, West





